Chest, Triceps, Abs
4 Week Powerbuilding Program By Erick Colindres
Is this program right for me?
You should be experienced and confident in your form on the big three lifts (squat, bench press, deadlift) before coming into this program. That doesn't mean you need to be a professional powerlifter, though! —this could be just the plan to help you take both your strength and muscle mass to a new level.
How heavy should I lift?
The amount of weight you lift for any exercise will always vary based on your current strength and fitness level, as well as the sets and reps of the workout. Unless otherwise specified, the best way to select a weight for any workout is to look at the recommended reps and try to pick a weight that is close to a "rep max" for that rep range. For example, if you are asked to perform 8 reps in a set, select a weight that you believe you can only lift 8 times before reaching muscle failure. If you can lift the weight more than 8 times, add more weight in the next set or workout. If you can't reach 8, the weight is too heavy, so lighten up. It takes experience to find this sweet spot, and it can change over time, so don't worry if it takes a workout or two to find it.
● Drop Sets: Do as many reps as possible until reaching failure, Remove weight and do it again with no rest in between
● Negatives: Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement.
● Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds.
● Sets of 7: Rest only 20-45 seconds between sets
● Super Set: Do two exercises back to back with no rest between them
Week 1
Back and Biceps
Rest day
Shoulders, Rear-Delts, Traps
Biceps, Triceps, Abs
Rest day
Week 2
Chest, Triceps, Abs
Back and Biceps
Rest day
Shoulders, Rear-Delts, Traps
Biceps, Triceps, Abs
Rest day
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