Squat Day
10 Week Program
10 Week Program - Intermediate to Advanced Level
This 10 Week program is divided into 3 sections, the first 3 weeks is your acclimation period. This is there to allow your body to get used to this different style of training. The next 4 week split is for conditioning. This is to build your muscle and make sure that when we start going heavy that you can handle the weight without running the risk of injury. The final 3 week is the time frame for the strength building split, and this is where you will be lifting some seriously heavy weight! So have some fun those three weeks and push yourself!
You should not be attempting this program unless you have trained in some form of powerlifting program before.
You also should not attempt this program without proper protective equipment. At the bare minimum you should have a pair of 7mm Knee Sleeves, Wrist Wraps, and either a 10mm or 13 mm lifting belt.
Terminology and Clarifications:
RIR - Reps in Reserve - Number of reps you feel you should be able to do after you have reached the number of reps required for that set.
Banded Work - You should set the intended weight so that 70% of the weight is loaded on the bar and 30% of the weight in band tension. Ex. If you are going to do a banded squat and you want the weight to be around 500lbs then 350lbs should be on the bar and the other 150lbs should be in band tension.
Slow Cardio Days - Doesnt really matter what type of cardio you do, this is there for active recovery, so we want your heart rate to be elevated but we dont want you dying on the floor.
Stretching - You should do whatever stretching on these days that you deem necessary to add to cool downs of your workouts. An FMS screen can be useful for determining a more personalized stretching regime to follow. I would recommend doing this or following a yoga routine.
Are you ready to get stronger?
Week 1
Slow Cardio & Stretching
Deadlift Day
Slow Cardio & Stretching
Bench Day
Shoulder Stability
Rest day
Week 2
Squat Day
Slow Cardio & Stretching
Deadlift Day
Slow Cardio & Stretching
Bench Day
Shoulder Stability
Rest day
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